Thursday, January 9, 2014

This Crazy, Beautiful Life

Hello everyone! Sorry for the long break, it's been super busy around here. Spring semester starts next week so I'm both excited and apprehensive about it, my roommate had to move out for personal reasons so we had to cancel the lease and move elsewhere. It's been a long and trying time for me personally but we're working past it and trying to get back in the groove of things. Overall the break was nice and I enjoyed spending time with family and friends that are either attending a university out of state or far from Houston. Luckily I've had some opportunities to apply henna on either myself or friends and family, which I love since it not only lets me share my passion but I get practice on other people and improve through trial and error which is always helpful! I've learned that I need to increase my speed and figure out what I want to draw on someone if they want me to just freehand quicker.

A design on myself during the end of finals.

This is my current favorite design I've ever done on myself! Usually all the good ones that I've drawn out prior to a session go on friends! This design is on my right foot and if I reprise it in the future I think I'll change the toe design but other than that I love it! Also, this stayed on my foot for a good week and a half.

 This design was done on my best friend's right hand. I had drawn out the flower previously but everything else was free handed and I LOVED how it turned out. She was extremely satisfied and eager to have it done which always makes me happy and overall we had a wonderful time catching up.

I've never done a henna tattoo anywhere other than a hand or foot so when she asked to have a small design on her neck I was a little hesitant but I enjoyed the challenge and we both liked how it turned out.

HUGE shout out to all of my friends and family that compliment my art and ask for a session, their encouragement only increases my eagerness to continue with my passion. Thanks and love to you all! Also, thanks to whoever checks in on my posts, I hope you're enjoying my art as much as I am, please feel free to leave a comment if you see anything you like! :) Happy new year all!

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