Monday, March 31, 2014

My Journey With Henna

Hi everyone! So obviously my new years resolution of posting regularly is no longer an option.. I definitely underestimated the power life and college have to keep me busy - not enough to stop me from being an artist of course, but it has definitely kept me from posting what I've been working on. I don't know about you guys but I definitely feel that I have improved exponentially in regards to my skill with henna, and I feel like it really shows in the pictures of my latest work.

Henna on myself:

This is a henna design I applied on one of my next door neighbors, Noor. She was very pleased with how it came out and her family was very impressed. Hopefully they will come to me for future applications.

And finally, here is a henna tattoo I applied Saturday night on my friend. I've never tried anything outside of traditional henna but she wanted a mermaid so, we looked up a picture from Pinterest and after a quick sketch on paper, got to it! It took a while, what with all the detail and precision, but I love a challenge and we're super happy with how it came out!

Hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend!


  1. I fell in love with the mermaid!!! Excellent job!!! =)

    1. Thank you so so much! I appreciate the feedback :)
